Fall Annuals

Just when we’re looking towards winter temperatures and approaching SW Virginia’s first frost date, all the excitement of pumpkins and holidays ahead start to be put in perspective with the returning cold and loss of fall foliage. Winter months are, let’s face it, dreary. Gardens get winterized, patio planters are brought inside or scrapped altogether, and vivacious summer is gone once more. 

We don’t have to say goodbye to all the color and friendliness of the more fertile seasons just yet. Roanoke Landscapes is welcoming 100 flats of fall annuals. We’ll have 13 different cold hardy plants ready to fill planters and garden beds across the valley. Many clients have already reserved their flowers, and just like clock-work our crews will begin planting in the middle of October.

It’s not too late to schedule and reserve your plants! 

We know how important it is for both residential and commercial properties to remain welcoming through the holidays. In-laws can be so judgmental, both for hotel and restaurant reviews as well as to new spouses. So why not get ahead of the game and give them something positive to talk about. We can hear them now remarking on how surely so much effort went into maintaining a beautiful garden- EVEN in the winter. 

Of course, exerted effort on your part won’t be the case, but we’ll keep that a secret.

What’s arriving at Roanoke Landscapes next week and how do you get them into your yard?


The Showstoppers

When placed directly into the ground pansies won’t require frequent, if any, waterings. These little doozies put out a whopping amount of blooms. Get ready for 24/7 color! They can survive freezing temperatures and piles of snow, bouncing back quickly. The plants you put in the ground now will last until temperatures rise again in late May and June.

They make great border plants along walkways or excellent potted plants to give your entrance an extra pop of color.

Get A Taste For What You Like:

On-Site Color Options:

  • Blue

  • Moonlight Mix

  • Purple

  • White

  • Yellow


Supporting Roles:

You could just have pansies, and by all accounts they’ll look fabulous, but why stop there? Fill in the rest of your winter garden with some additional cold weather favorites.

If planting in a container, keep in mind…

Back in the Spring, we wrote a long article explaining the intricacies of potted plant arrangements. Some might even remember the easy mnemonic device we threw together explaining the 9 key concerns that have to be thought through before planting in a container. 

Homely Lawns Calmly Wait To Simply Wear Special Roses 

  1. The height of a plant, 

  2. The length it spills over, 

  3. The width it will take up, 

  4. The color of the blooms and greenery, 

  5. The texture of the plant, 

  6. The plant’s soil needs, 

  7. The plant’s watering needs, 

  8. Knowing the sunlight needs,

  9. And, the space needed for the plant to grow healthy roots 

With all that top of mind— Choose your lineup:

Dusty Miller

Brings both height and texture into an arrangement. This hardy plant can survive in just about any soil mixture, as long as it’s well draining. Yes, it’s frost resistant and ready to give a little silvery touch to your landscape.


This bad boy truly shines when temperatures start to plummet. The response to cold temperatures is beautiful pops of color in the center of the plant, bringing vibrancy, width, and a shiny texture to the flower arrangement.

Swiss Chard

Fast growing in cold temperatures, chard quickly fills in potted plants or garden beds. Being an upright plant, chard’s an excellent alternative to some of the other options that bring height to the garden.

Heuchera Yellow

Also known as coral bells, these plants will grow in a wide range of light, soil, heat, cold, humidity and drought conditions. Heuchera yellow preserves the color of fall foliage all season long.

Soft Rush

Hardy, upright, and green Soft Rush is whispy and ethereal. We like to think this plant provides a touch of summer familiarity to any landscape.

Interested in having a gorgeous landscape this winter? Reach out to get on the schedule before our limited supply is sold out. Additionally, Mary Brannan, co-owner here at Roanoke Landscapes, will be bringing her decades of experience in flower arrangements to put together custom ordered planters. This will be a single day extravaganza, so if you’d like a container crafted for your home, be sure to reach out as soon as possible. We’ll be back to update with specific dates as we nail down our busy fall schedule!

~ RL


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