Tips for Winter Lawn Care

Winterizing your landscape in Southwest Virginia is a crucial step to ensure a healthy and vibrant yard come spring. The region's unique climate, characterized by cold winters and occasional snowfall, demands specific attention to protect plants and prepare the soil for the upcoming growing season. Here's a guide to common gardening tasks and plant options for a successful winterizing process.

Cleanup & Pruning

As winter settles into Southwest Virginia, the initial step in fortifying your landscape is a meticulous clean-up. Begin by ridding your garden of fallen leaves, dead plant matter, and any debris accumulated during the autumn months. This not only presents a tidier appearance but also serves the essential purpose of eliminating potential hiding spots for pests and diseases. A thorough clean-up reduces the risk of issues that may compromise the health of your plants during the winter months.

Simultaneously, pruning plays a pivotal role in preparing your landscape for the colder season. With a focus on trees and shrubs, carefully remove any damaged or diseased branches. Pruning not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space but also promotes plant vigor by directing energy towards healthy growth. Strategic pruning helps shape plants, improves air circulation, and reduces the risk of snow or ice damage by eliminating weak or vulnerable branches.

The winter months provide an opportune time for more extensive pruning projects. Some deciduous trees and shrubs are dormant during this period, making it an ideal time to perform corrective or rejuvenation pruning without causing undue stress to the plants.


Mulching is a key practice for safeguarding your plants against the region's challenging weather conditions. As temperatures drop and frost threatens, a well-applied layer of mulch acts as a protective shield for your garden beds, preserving soil moisture and insulating plant roots from the extremes of winter. Spread the mulch evenly around the base of trees, shrubs, and perennial plants, creating a protective barrier that helps regulate soil temperature. In Southwest Virginia, a layer of 2-4 inches of mulch is generally recommended, striking the right balance between insulation and breathability.

Beyond its protective qualities, mulch contributes to the overall health of your landscape. By suppressing weed growth, mulch minimizes competition for nutrients and water, allowing your desirable plants to thrive. Additionally, as the mulch decomposes, it adds organic matter to the soil, enhancing its structure and fertility.

Consider the aesthetic benefits as well; a well-mulched garden bed presents a neat and polished appearance, even in the dormancy of winter. The contrast of dark mulch against the backdrop of snow or dormant vegetation can be visually striking, adding an element of beauty to your winter landscape.

Protecting Sensitive Plants

If you have tender plants or recently planted perennials, consider protecting them from the harsh winter conditions. As the chill sets in, taking proactive measures to shield delicate flora from frost, freezing winds, and temperature extremes becomes a gardening imperative.

One effective method for protecting sensitive plants is the strategic use of protective coverings. Burlap wraps, frost blankets, or specially designed plant covers can be employed to create a barrier against the biting winter elements. These covers act as insulators, trapping heat and preventing rapid temperature fluctuations that can be detrimental to plants. Be sure to secure the covers firmly to prevent them from being blown away by strong winds.

For young or recently planted perennials, constructing a physical barrier around the base of the plant using materials like wire mesh or plastic can offer an extra layer of protection. This shield helps prevent desiccation caused by harsh winter winds, ensuring that the plants retain the moisture crucial for their survival.

As you carefully shield your sensitive plants from winter's harsh grasp, consider the long-term benefits of such protective measures. Preserving the health of these plants during the colder months contributes significantly to their vitality and ensures they enter the growing season with strength and vigor.

Winter Planting

Contrary to common belief, winter doesn't signify a total halt to planting activities in Southwest Virginia. While the growing season may slow down, there are numerous cold-tolerant plant varieties that can be introduced to add splashes of color and interest to your winter landscape.

Pansies, with their vibrant and diverse color palette, are an excellent choice for winter bedding plants. These hardy flowers not only withstand chilly temperatures but also thrive in them, providing your garden with cheerful blooms even on the coldest days. Similarly, ornamental kale and cabbage, with their textured leaves and striking hues, can be planted to create visually appealing borders or container displays.

Consider incorporating evergreen plants into your winter garden as well. These steadfast additions provide structure and form throughout the winter months when deciduous plants have shed their leaves. Look for varieties such as boxwood, holly, and certain types of conifers, which maintain their foliage and contribute to the overall greenery of your landscape.


Winter-flowering shrubs, such as Winter Jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) and Witch Hazel (Hamamelis), are exceptional choices for those seeking blossoms amid the frost. These resilient plants bloom during the colder months, adding a delightful fragrance and visual interest to your garden.

When embarking on winter planting endeavors, it's crucial to consider soil preparation. Ensure the planting site is well-drained, as waterlogged soil can pose a threat to the health of cold-tolerant plants. Adding compost or organic matter to the soil not only improves its structure but also enhances its ability to retain moisture, providing an optimal environment for winter plant growth.

Soil Preparation

Just this week we’ve sent off several soil samples to the Virginia Cooperative Extension for nutrient testing. It’s important to take the time to assess your soil's health and make necessary amendments. Adding organic matter like compost improves soil structure and fertility. Conduct a soil test to determine if any specific nutrients are lacking and adjust accordingly. If you’re partnered with us and signed onto one of our three Property Maintenance Plans, you’re covered here! We show up throughout the year and ensure your turf is receiving vital nutrients throughout the seasons.

Roanoke Landscapes & Your Winter Lawn

As you embark on the journey of winterizing your landscape in Southwest Virginia, Roanoke Landscapes emerges as the ultimate partner, offering a suite of services designed to make your winter lawn care a seamless and rewarding experience.

Our dedicated team understands the unique needs of the region's climate and landscapes, and we bring this expertise to every aspect of your winter lawn care regimen. From the meticulous clean-up and pruning of your garden to the strategic application of protective coverings for sensitive plants, we take a proactive approach to ensure the health and vitality of your outdoor space.

When it comes to mulching, our professionals select the right type and amount, providing optimal insulation and nourishment for your plants. We recognize the importance of this practice in protecting the soil and roots from the harsh winter conditions, and we execute it with precision to promote the long-term health of your landscape.

For those considering winter planting, Roanoke Landscapes transforms your vision into reality. Our knowledgeable team selects cold-tolerant plants, strategically placing them for visual impact, and ensures proper soil preparation for their optimal growth. We take care of the entire process, from plant selection to ongoing care, so you can enjoy a vibrant winter garden without the hassle.

To streamline your winter lawn care efforts and save you valuable time, Roanoke Landscapes offers three property maintenance plans – Gold, Silver, and Bronze. These plans encompass a range of services, including all the essential winter care practices, allowing you to delegate the responsibility of maintaining your landscape to our capable hands.

Choose Roanoke Landscapes and embrace the winter months with confidence, knowing that your outdoor space is in the care of seasoned professionals. Our commitment to excellence and personalized service ensures that your landscape not only survives but thrives, providing you with a haven of beauty and tranquility throughout the winter season. Save time, enjoy peace of mind, and let Roanoke Landscapes be your partner in creating a winter landscape that captivates.


Winter Plants in Virginia


Spring Annuals